*=boys' favs
My parents' graciously handed off the set I had growing up. Seth and Noah both request these as they go to bed and are driving in the car. It is oh so fun to see the boys developing the same little schema I had as a kid.
Though, admittedly, "Cleanliness" was my favorite tape and I can't say I was cleaner than any other kid. So maybe the messages don't always hit a homerun...
I do think Seth, for one, is getting the idea though. At least about what procrastinating is and that it's no good. This message was brought to us by the "Dependability" CD, a favorite. (A no brainer, the setting is outer space and there's a bad guy.) Recently he was pushing the limit on bedtime and coming out of his room again.
"Mommy, can I listen to 'Dependability'?"
"No Seth, it's in the car and it's time for bed."
"Can you go get it?"
"No, shut your door."
"Mommy, are you procrastinating? I think you're procrastinating getting the CD."
"Hm, no, I think you're actually procrastinating going to bed. Is that right? "
Seth gives a knowing you-got-me smirk and eventually, sheepishly shuts the door and goes to sleep.
If trying to peg others' procrastinating is the start of his character education, so be it. We're starting somewhere.