Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A real person

During our first ultrasound we were told this little peanut has a two vessel umbilical cord instead of the typical three. That puts him at risk for certain heart and kidney problems, and potentially not growing at a normal rate. Thankfully, everything at the time looked normal.

Just in case, I had another ultrasound at about 28 weeks to make sure this little man is continuing to grow and develop well. Good news, he is! A "praise the Lord!" as my Grandma Bonnie put it. 

This photo was taken during that second ultrasound. Perhaps a bit hard to distinguish at first because the features are black from a little below the (potential) hairline and left side of his face. But that prominent button nose, puckery lips, and brow line say it loud and clear, "I am a real person in here!" And one that seems to resemble Noah a fair amount.

Of all the ultrasound photos we have--and our technician was generous in her printing--this is the one I hung on our frig. Seeing his face helps me realize this isn't theoretical: a real person with his own features, personality and gifts is joining us soon. Only 5 weeks to go!
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