Thursday, August 28, 2014

Choosing a boy name

As a slightly indecisive thoughtful overly-analytical indecisive person, choosing a name for a human being is a bit...burdensome. I felt unsure about both Seth and Noah's names even at the end when no others were in the running.

Too plain? Too common? Too soft? Too short? Non-kid? Non-adult?

Plus, I'm pretty particular with the way words sound. And look. And how they sound with the other sibling names. And our last name. And the middle name. Complex.

I have discovered that for boys I like short, straight forward, punchy names. This narrows the search some. Also, not too trendy, not unpronounceable if I can help it, but not your basic Michael or Jacob. (Nothing personal against my two brothers-in-law.)

Unfortunately, Ben and I don't always see eye to eye about names. He'd be content with almost any traditional name out there--that has "meaning". Basically, a Bible name. Maybe a family name. (We were talking Lars and Thor for about 3 microseconds.) But, ya know, I like the Bible so I can work with that.

So the list of names that could fit the bill:

(With Ben's stipulations, there'll be no Liam or Tate, of course. Which is fine. We're in the business of narrowing.) But now it comes to finding the one true name, without ruling them all out entirely. Wish us luck!
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