Thursday, September 4, 2014

Two Chocolatey Passions

These are not just fulfilling pregnancy cravings here. These are two treats that I'd actually consider paying the $6.99 shipping for from Amazon if there was no other way to get them--pregnant, not pregnant or post-menapausal. Thankfully, with a little Kroger and Costco just a hop down the road, I don't even need to wait (or pay) for shipping.

First, the Mark Avenue Chocolates' Chocolate Covered Coconut Almonds. Now, I am actually a fair weather coconut fan. But these little babies fulfill an inner need I never knew I had. Enough coconut and dark chocolate to render an exceptional macaroon with the additional crunch of a roasted almond(!). They're pretty fantastic. And maybe addictive. 

And then the Brookside Dark Chocolate Pomegranate balls of goodness, ah. Not actual pomegranate seeds; more like a quality pomegranate-flavored Gusher (minus juice) covered in a thick layer of quality dark chocolate. An unexpected combo, a beautiful result. Also strangely popable and perhaps addicting.

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