Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"Beethoven's Wig" CDs

Meta, our friend and neighbor in New York, introduced us to "Beethoven's Wig". The boys have been requesting "Tchaikosky's Cannonball Song" an average of 13 times a car ride lately. Myself, I enjoy the Can-Can song.

"Beethoven's Wig" CDs are 4 volumes of famous classical symphonies and songs put to catchy, silly lyrics. Here's the cover song above put to an animated music video.

I never really anticipated talking Stravinsky with my 4-year-old, but these CDs are a really fun way to get the conversation started about classical music and composers. I really like that the tracks without lyrics are also included, so they can hear the original song. (Or part of it, each song is just a few minute clip.)

Crossing our fingers it'll inspire these littles to take up some stringed instrument! Right now, they like the idea of the trumpet (fine) and cymbals (not fine).
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